ICYMI — Rick Scott let the people of Puerto Rico down

Today, the Florida Phoenix reported on how — a year after Hurricane Maria — Rick Scott has done little to help the people of Puerto Rico.

Here are some key points from the Florida Phoenix’s report:

“As Gov. Rick Scott traveled to Puerto Rico Thursday on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria, a group of Puerto Rican-based Democratic legislators denounced state and federal officials for not doing enough to help tens of thousands of displaced Puerto Ricans who have migrated to Florida after the wrath of the storm.”

“Of chief concern is housing for those who fled from the island to come to Florida.”

“Florida Democratic Senator Bill Nelson — Scott’s opponent in November — had sponsored a bill earlier this year that would require FEMA and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to extend temporary housing aid through February of 2019.”

“Senator Torres also said that he had asked Governor Scott to provide vocational training for Puerto Rican people in a temporary housing program, but “we never heard anything from them.”

“Back in May he said, “I don’t know what I would do differently” when asked about the federal government’s response in Puerto Rico.”

“In addition to his eight trips to the island, the list also includes letters sent to Republican leaders in Congress and administration officials urging them to support Florida’s efforts to support displaced citizens from Puerto Rico.”