Broward Democratic Party Reorganizational Meeting Notice 2020

Dear Broward Democratic Executive Committee Member:  


This is to notify you that the Broward Democratic Executive Committee will hold its reorganizational meeting on Sunday, December 6th. Our virtual meeting will take place at the following date and time:

Date: Sunday, December 6th, 2020

Preregistration: 12:30 PM Call to Order: 1:00 PM

Register Here:

Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party, only precinct committee members elected in the Democratic Primary held Tuesday August 18, 2020, and Democratic members of the state legislature who reside in this county are eligible to vote at this meeting. Please note: you must register at the link above to participate in this meeting.

The purpose of the reorganizational meeting is to elect the following Broward DEC officers:


State Committeewoman

State Committeeman

First Vice Chair

Second Vice Chair

Recording Secretary


Corresponding Secretary

Any Democratic precinct committee member elected in the August 18, 2020, primary is eligible to run as an executive officer of the DEC. Nominations will be taken from the floor. However, candidates are strongly encouraged to declare their candidacy for a particular office in advance of the election. Any member elected as a DEC officer must complete the Party’s loyalty oath before they are eligible to serve.  

The current slate of  Declared Candidates is as follows:


Richard Hoye, M018

Alfredo Olvera, R010
Stewart Webster, J005

State Committeewoman-
Carolina Ampudia, N008
Grace Carrington, E004

State Committeeman-
Kenneth Evans, Q030
Richard Nettina, V039

1st Vice Chair-
Margarita Hernandez, N025
Melissa Shiff, C002

2nd Vice Chair-
Ana Anselmo, W019
Muhammad Khan, E023
Jeffrey Pole, R059

Recording Secretary-
Tina Jaramillo, R011
Aude Sicard, X038

Andre Madtes, S004
Adam Sabin, R058

Corresponding Secretary-
Daniel Mulieri, Q063

Democratic Party rules prohibit secret ballots for these elections (we will be utilizing non-anonymous Zoom polls for this election). Each voting member is entitled to cast one vote for the election of each officer.  Each Officer position must be elected by majority vote of those present and voting. 

If you cannot attend the reorganizational meeting, you may appoint a representative to serve as your proxy (a link to the proxy form is attached). A precinct committee member may only designate another Democrat from his/her precinct who is NOT an elected precinct committee member. State Legislators may only designate another Democrat from the county who resides in their District. The executed proxy must be filed with the Chair and the Recording Secretary before the meeting is called to order.

If you would like to test Zoom and Zoom polls on your system prior to the meeting on December 6, a practice session will be held on Saturday, December 5, from 2:00-4:00pm. If you would like to attend the practice session, please register for it here:

If you want to declare your candidacy or have any question please contact BDP Recording Secretary, Melissa Ward, at

If you require any additional support or accommodations, please contact Michael Rajner at (954) 899-0877 or

We look forward to seeing you at our meeting on December 6th.  

Cynthia Busch, Chair

Broward Demcratic Party