
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”  – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Broward Democratic Party is committed to speaking out and taking strong action against the continued mistreatment and modern day lynching of Black Americans. We call on all of our allies to stand in solidarity against the injustices that unfold before our eyes at an alarming rate.

What we have witnessed over the last few weeks, months, and decades is horrendous and does not speak to the promise of this nation. The bigotry and failed leadership of President Trump has emboldened many of his followers to attempt to normalize intolerable acts of violence and oppression against Black citizens. Trump continues to fan the flames of hate that existed prior to his Presidency. He is a symptom of the disease of racism that has infected America for far too long.

We are better as a party and a country when we work together to come to the defense of those who endure the worst forms of injustice. If we don’t take action now and work to build a better society, these racist and bigoted attitudes will persist regardless of who sits in the White House.

In order to better understand and combat racism experienced by the Black community here in Broward County, the Broward Democratic Party must first forge a new path – one of true equality and empathy within our own ranks. As a first step, we will take action to ensure that our local party is a safe and welcoming place for all people of all backgrounds. To that end we will conduct trainings on anti-racism and racial sensitivity. No one group can end oppression on their own. We must strive to create unity to combat these persistent problems leaving no one to feel that they are fighting alone.

America belongs to all of us. Our party works best when we unite together and defend any of our groups when they are under attack. The Democratic Party is morally obligated to make genuine efforts to usher in an era of fair treatment. Therefore, the Broward Democratic Party is renewing it’s commitment to strengthen our alliances with community leaders and civic organizations and stand together with them in defense of the Black community. Black Americans are our party’s most loyal voters; we must demonstrate, through meaningful action, that we have their backs in their time of need. We call on our state and national party to work with us in making this come to fruition.

We will not be silent. We will not allow racism to win. TOGETHER, WE WILL PREVAIL.

The Broward Democratic Party