Jeff Pole appointed 2nd Vice Chair of the Broward Democratic Party
Thank you to all of our membership who attended last night’s October Special Election Meeting of the Broward Democratic Party. Unfortunately, the election to fill the vacancy in the Second Vice Chair position could not take place because quorum was not met. There were 173 voting DEC members in attendance last night. Pursuant to the Florida Democratic Party By-Laws quorum is currently set at 30% or 216 voting members in attendance.
Jeff Pole, Area Leader from Sunrise, was the only nomination. Pursuant to the by-laws, Chairwoman Cynthia Busch asked the Management Committee members in attendance to appoint Mr. Pole to the position of Second Vice Chair until a quorum can be met. The Management Committee unanimously approved the appointment. Mr. Pole’s appointment will last until an election for Second Vice Chair is held. In the meantime, Jeff Pole will immediately assume all duties and responsibilities of the Second Vice Chair. We would like to congratulate Mr. Pole on his appointment.
Pursuant to the Broward Democratic Party By-Laws:
9.02 In the event of a vacancy in an elected office of the COUNTY COMMITTEE, the Chair, with the consent of the majority of the Management Committee, may appoint acting officers until a successor is elected by the COUNTY COMMITTEE. A successor shall be elected by the COUNTY COMMITTEE at a regular or special meeting to be held within forty-five (45) days of the occurrence of the vacancy, and upon not less than fifteen (15) days written notice of such vacancy and proposed election being furnished to all members.