Fostering Growth in Local and American Jobs
Broward County has a proven track record of investing in our community and companies that are based in Broward. Investments in local infrastructure to improve our region have helped to keep our economy strong and people in work during the recession. Policies that help to strengthen our County and Country are important to sustain our economic prosperity.
- End tax breaks for companies to ship jobs overseas and reward companies that hire here at home.
- Partner with businesses and communities to train American workers for high-tech manufacturing jobs.
- Reduce reliance on foreign oil, create jobs and cut energy costs by investing and supporting renewable energy production.
- Create jobs and help businesses by fixing the roads, bridges and American infrastructure.
Raising the Minimum Wage
The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, which translates to $15,080 for a full-time, year-round worker. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation over the past 40 years it would be $10.74. The gap between the average and minimum wage as shown in this infographic continues to widen. Broward Democrats must continue to support minimum and living wages that allow workers earn a dignified income and allow our citizens to contribute to economic growth.
- Strengthen families by securing equal pay for equal work and encouraging fatherhood.
- Cut deficits in a balanced manner.
- Cut spending and ask the wealthy to do their fair share to finish the job of $4 trillion in balanced national deficit reduction.
- Make our tax code more simple, fair and competitive by eliminating tax loopholes for the wealthy and big corporations.